IBEX GATHERING - talentibex


November 22,2017


Recently, I came across the stats regarding the influx of smartphones, which was, according to a Pew Internet study of 2016, 43% of smartphone owners use their mobile to look up information about jobs and 18% of smartphone users submit a job application via mobile. On the very same day, I came to know about IBEX Global’s endeavors regarding the mobile app, which was undoubtedly a sign of being competitive in the market.

It was a dazzling evening of 8 November 2017, when we all witnessed the grand launch of mobile app, namely “IBEX.Recruit” accompanied by a networking session with different universities’ placement heads. IBEX.Recruit is an application, which aims to enhance candidate—students, undergraduates and job seekers --reach for job opportunities while on the go so that they stay connected with us.

Syed Fahad Sabzwari- Director Operations Support, in his keynote speech threw a light on the significance and need for mobile app launch. He said, “Led by scaling the heights of growth and expansion in both spheres horizontally as well as vertically, IBEX Global took the need of mobile app as a clarion call as because of today, job seekers expect to view jobs seamlessly on their mobile devices and apply to them quickly and easily”. He further added that it could make a difference between filling positions with the best talent quickly and having postings hang around for months before the right candidate applies. Additionally, red carpet interviews conducted at the entrance and during the event and it all went live on Instagram and Facebook!

Besides this, a live application demo was shown to an elite audience followed by a get-the-app-now activity to experience the richness of user-friendly features. The features included:

  • Job Opening Section, that will cover the latest vacancies with a comprehensive job description from Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad,
  • Application Status feature, that will help to track application status via entering CNIC or Contact number,
  • Employee Referral option, that will also allow employees refer candidates for any vacant position available,
  • While Life @ IBEX is a social layer added in the app regarding what is happening inside IBEX Global and to explore more about IBEX,
  • Lastly, Feedback feature designed to deliver valuable feedback ranging from logging to sliding into features to interview process.

A Huge round of applause observed from the audience while presenting Appreciation Awards to each university placement heads. Hi-tea gave the event a mesmerizing end and it proved to be a great source of networking, since, placement heads got to interact with the management of IBEX GLOBAL with having coffee in their hands, smile on their faces widened up by delicacies including Spanish samosas and cheesy pasta in their plates with more and more craving of it!

Contributed By:

Sehrish Shakeel

Employer Branding Officer

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